Catherine Skokan is Associate Professor of Engineering, Colorado School of Mines. BSc, MSc, and PhD in Geophysical Engineering with an emphasis on Electromagnetism, Colorado School of Mines. Dr. Skokan has published over 80 articles and extended abstracts in numerous geophysical and educational journals including the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research ,Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research, and ,Journal of Engineering Education. Her research interests include geophysical measurements of volcanoes and geothermal areas, energy resources, and groundwater. Another research thrust involves curriculum development in problem and project based learning. Her research also addresses humanitarian engineering – an application of earth science and engineering skills to aid underserved populations. She has led student humanitarian projects including travel to Tribal Communities in Alaska, South Dakota, and New Mexico as well as international projects to Ghana, Honduras, and Senegal. Dr. Skokan has traveled with students for summer studies in former Czechoslovakia, Romania, Turkey, Southeast Asia, and Morocco. She also traveled on the Fall 2002 and Fall 2009 Voyages of Semester at Sea. She is an avid musician, and plays both violin and bassoon.